Saturday, September 28, 2013

Under the Sea Flashback

This weekend my younger sister, Karly, came to visit me! I gave her a tour of campus (somehow she's never been here before this weekend) and told her about my classes and what the work has been like. When I told her about my Decoding Disney class, she couldn't believe that I actually got to take a class that required me to read about, watch, and discuss Disney movies. I described what some of the discussions were like and mentioned that the story we're covering right now is The Little Mermaid. That was always one of our favorite Disney films growing up, and as soon as I said the title, her face lit up and she exclaimed, "I haven't seen that in forever! Can we watch it?!" I'll admit, I did bring the DVD from home since it's my favorite, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to watch it again, especially with Karly. So we put the movie in and it was like nothing at all had changed since I left for Duke. These past few months away from Karly have been weird and tough for both of us, but spending an afternoon watching one of our favorite childhood movies together was the perfect remedy.    

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